At the end of June, members of Quinorgan and Tecnifoam attended the 64th AYSAF international exhibition for footwear materials, components, fabrics and technologies that took place in Istanbul, Turkey.
During the duration of the event, both Quinorgan and Tecnifoam presented their different sustainable products with great general acceptance.
The search for sustainable products and the growing commitment to the environment are confirmed in society.
Going into more detail, Quinorgan presented the Phoenix range (100% Recycled), the Bio range (100% Biodegradable) and the Natura range (circular economy).
For its part, Tecnifoam presented its EVA Phoenix (20% recycled), EVA Green (70% Bio origin – Sugarcane) and EVA Bio Phoenix ranges, as well as the new EVA family for safety footwear (Antistatic-Anti oil). ).
Thanks to those who visited us and special mention to the team from Turkey.
In September Quinorgan and Tecnifoam will attend a new fair, in this case the well-known LINEAPELLE fair in Milan.