Quinorgan is completely dedicated to the preservation of human values and environmental . All processes and activities are surrounded by an economic development that is compatible and much less aggressive with nature. In recent years we have introduced new methods to try to eliminate hazardous waste and reduce emissions to air and water. Our work is…

Quinorgan Buttresses and Buttresses

At Quinorgan, we have a wide range of thermo-adhesive sheets, both for buttresses and toecaps, which help to reinforce both the heel and the toe of the shoe, offering greater comfort, stability and quality.   Our bumpers The top is the reinforcement that is located at the toe of the shoe. It is possible to…


The distribution brand of high-quality materials for footwear, Quinorgan, presents Q-Xtreme. Q-Xtreme is a new product that guarantees rigidity, lightness, resistance and comfort compared to other materials of the same thickness. In addition, it is formulated with a high recycled content and the material is fully recyclable. This is a key factor, since the brand…